Friday, March 16, 2012

another catch-up *sigh...

I just spent some time looking through some old posts from the past years.  I really need to update more often!  I'm going to try again.  and again...

Conner:  He's 13 and finishing up his 8th grade year at St. Luke Catholic School (yes, I know we're Mormon).  He is so ready to be done with school right now, but in my experience, 3rd quarter is always the hardest!  He has decided to attend North Marion High School and has filled out his forecasting sheet for classes for next year.  He has made the Senior American baseball team again this year and is excited to be working with the HS coach as his team coach this year.  Well, he may not be super excited, but Mike and I are!  He is still only about 4'11" and weighs about 90lbs (that may be a bit of a stretch, but I'll give him a couple extra).  He broke his hand by punching a brick wall during PE the week of Valentines day and that cut his basketball season short by a few days, and made baseball tryouts a little tricky, but he got his cast off 2 days ago and is back to cause all kinds of ruckus (not that he ever really stopped).  He is finishing up his requirements to earn his Life Scout rank in Boy Scouts.  He has one more merit badge that he needs to earn and then his Eagle Project and his goal is to earn the rank of Eagle Scout by the end of the year.

Alia:  She's 12 and in 7th grade at St. Luke.  She is quite the social butterfly and has made some great friends in her few years there.  She is loving being in Young Women's at church and it's fun for me to be able to see her branch out and be herself in front of groups of people.  She is excited to attend her second year of Girl's Camp this year.  She is reading "The Hunger Games" and is so excited to see the movie next week, she can hardly see straight!  She is an honor roll student and is a beautiful girl!

Ann-Elise: She's 11 and is playing softball this year.  She actually made the "B" team, which is the competitive team.  I think that's pretty amazing because she didn't play last year.  However, she opted out and is playing on the "C" team with her best friend.  I think she's pretty darn excited about that!  She is also a great student.  She's in 5th grade at St. Luke.  She is such a love and is always coming to give me hugs when I'm not having a great day.  She is such a sweet heart and I'm proud of the young woman she is becoming.

Adrie:  She's 6 and in 1st grade at St. Luke.  She LOVES school!  She has a wonderful teacher who appreciates her.  She is silly and goofy.  She has her ups and downs, but mostly she's up.  She LOVES to talk and tell stories.  It's not always easy for me to stop and listen because I just want her to get to the point, but I'm trying!  She loves to play soccer and can't wait for fall soccer to start so she can play with most of the kids in her class.  She also plays most days at recess.

Caile:  She's 5 and in kindergarten at St. Luke.  She's a silly girl.  She loves school and her friends.  She is a very determined little girl.  She always makes her voice heard.  She has beautiful long hair and loves to have her hair done in the mornings, even if it's just in a ponytail.  She likes to wear skirts and dresses and is a girlie girl.  She still loves to snuggle with me and I enjoy that time with her.  She likes to play with her friends and her and Adrie have made a good friend in a girl their age down our street.  They spend endless hours with Melanie and they are enjoying having someone so close to play with.

Mike:  Mike is traveling much more than usual.  He takes 6-9 trips a year.  Twice a year he goes to India for a couple weeks and twice a year he goes to Costa Rica for a week.  Throw in some trips to Atlanta and some trips for various meetings and he's gone a lot (for us!).  I'm finally figuring out how to do it all by myself.  It helps that the kids are older and self sustaining, for the most part.  He is still the ward mission leader and I think he has a love/hate relationship with his calling.  He loves the work, but hates the time commitment and the time away from us.  He is an amazing husband and loves to be with us.  We're looking forward to a fun family vacation in January to Disneyland.  I'm looking forward to watching Adrie and Caile experience it!

Me:  well...  I cook lunch for the kids at the school twice a week.  Between those 2 days, creating the menu's and shopping for the food, it's almost a part time job.  But I love it.  I am also the Laurel advisor at church and LOVE my girls!  They are so great.  They make me laugh and smile and they are so inspiring.  I also am the camp director and go to camp with my stake in the summer.  This will be my 5th year.  Should be fun.  I am blessed by wonderful friends and they make me smile :)  I am blessed to live such a charmed life and am thankful for the blessings that I have.

This is very long.  And I'm sure I could add a million more things, but I'm hoping to keep this up, just so I have my own journal of my life.

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