Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thankful post #4

So, I'm a little behind... again.

It happens.  Let's get over it.

I've been out of town, and I (gasp) didn't take my computer with me :)  It was SO nice to spend time with my amazing husband and not feel tied to my computer.  And this brings me to my post #4.

I'm thankful, grateful and deeply blessed by the love of the most amazing man I know.  16 years ago, last Friday, I said "I do" to my wonderful husband and my best friend.  He has loved me through thick (waist line) and thin (not waist line).  Through hard times and easy times.  Through 0 kids and through 5 kids.  Through no money and (still no) money.  Though we're working on that :).  He is my rock.  My mountain.  My life water.  My sunshine.  My comfort blanket.  My kleenex.  My shoulder to cry on.  My self esteem booster.  My everything.

How blessed I am to be loved by such a strong and supportive man.  He makes me such a better person.  He loves me through all of my quirks and mess-ups.  He supports me when I'm needing it and let's me know when I am wrong, but never in a condescending or abusive way.  Just through his love and support.

I hope some day I feel worthy of his love.  Until then, I'll just enjoy him and work on being a better person everyday.

I love you Michael Lader.

Thank you for the past 16 years of my life.  I'm looking forward to an eternity more!

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